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#1407 580 Washington St (#73231616)
Millennium Place
Boston, Massachusetts
1,162 SqFt
2 Bathroom, 2 Bedroom

Beautiful, open-concept, 2BR/2BA Home at Millennium Place, one of the most desirable Full Service, Luxury Residential Building in the Heart of Boston! Located minutes from the Theater & Financial Districts across from The Ritz-Carlton Hotel / Equinox Sports Club. In-Unit Laundry, updated flooring, Glass Tile Backsplash, Bosch Appliances, Marble Master Bath and Granite Kitchen Island make this home a MUST SEE! Residents will enjoy incomparable 5-STAR Service & Amenities, including 24-hour Concierge, Dual Entry Doormen, Owner’s Lounge with Private Dining Room & Fireplace overlooking Terrace. Stadium Style Theatre Screening Room, On-site Fitness Center with Pilates, Yoga, Massage Studios & Children's Playroom. Includes 1 self park spot at The Ritz-Carlton Garage.

Additional Information

Total Rooms5
Bathrooms, Full2
Parking Spaces, Garage1
HeatingCentral Heat, Forced Air
SewerCity/Town Sewer
Tax Amount13,751
Tax Year2024
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